Welcome to the Catawba College Library Oculus Quest 2 LibGuide
Here you will find many resources pertaining to how to operate and integrate Oculus Quest 2 into your classrooms and studies. You will also find valuable information regarding how to request an Oculus for your studies, entertainment, or classroom.
Unititled Image [Photograph]. https://www.oculus.com/quest-2/
Virtual Reality (VR) allows to students to experience instruction in a new way - they can travel to other countries, conduct virtual lab experiments, explore different ecosystems, or even go inside the human body. The Quest 2 headset transports the student into a world where learning experiences come alive. Quest 2 goggles offer more than virtual gaming experiences; they also provide an engaging instructional experience for students.
Untitled Image [Photograph]. https://www.oculus.com//entertainment/
Oculus Demo - A librarian will demo the Oculus Quest 2 headset and related apps to your class. Basic handling of the Quest 2 headset will be demonstrated, views will be screencast to the Smartboard so all students can see what is being displayed on the headset. A select few students will have the opportunity to wear the headset and try using the hand controls with the initial Quest 2 start-up tutorials. This session will run anywhere from 45-75 minutes depending on time allocated. Request your Oculus Demo Here.
Whole Class Oculus Activity - This occurs after the Oculus demo. Your class comes to the library for simultaneous use of up to 14 Quest 2 headsets. Students are free to use the headsets independently during the class time or as a class with demonstrations. Request your Oculus Class Activity Here.
Independent Oculus Activity - This occurs for students who have completed an Oculus demo class or the online Oculus tutorials and related assessment. Students submit requests to use the Quest 2 headset for a class related app or activity. Students are scheduled to come to the library to check out the Quest 2 individually or in small groups once they have successfully completed the Quest 2 tutorial and assessment. Click HERE to be enrolled in the Blackboard Quest 2 tutorial and assessment. Click HERE to request a Quest 2 Independent Activity.
Other - Please reach out to us if you have any ideas about how you would like to use the Quest 2 headsets to enhance instruction and engage students. You can email me or click HERE to request a consultation appointment.