Do you know what information your citation contains?
Here is an MLA citation for an article that was found in the JStor database:
Boyd, William. “Making Meat: Science, Technology, and American Poultry Production.” Technology and Culture, vol. 42, no. 4, 2001, pp. 631–64. JSTOR, Accessed 31 Jan. 2024.
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It is important to cite your sources to avoid plagiarism and to demonstrate how your ideas build on the ideas of others without replicating them. There are many different types of citation styles. Some citation styles are specific to different fields of study. For this project, your professor has asked you to use MLA citation style. MLA is an acronym for Modern Language Association. This group sets formatting guidelines for academic writing in the humanities areas. You will find resources below, both print and digital that will help with formatting and using MLA citation style in your paper.