The Greg and Missie Alcorn Digital Learning Lab is an active learning space that uses digital tools and pedagogy to enhance and support both classroom and independent learning. We serve students, faculty, and staff by assisting them in the creation of their ideas and passions.
As the Director of Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship at Catawba College, I play a pivotal role in integrating digital tools and methodologies into our academic environment. With my extensive expertise, I support both faculty and students in enhancing their research and teaching practices through innovative digital solutions. Scheduling a research appointment with me can be incredibly beneficial, as I offer personalized guidance on utilizing digital resources, developing effective research strategies, and navigating complex academic projects. My support can significantly enhance the quality and efficiency of your research endeavors.
There are eight laptops available for checkout to Catawba students, but only one laptop can be checked out per patron. Laptops are loaned for a 48-hour period, and cannot be renewed. Patrons must wait at least 24 hours between laptop checkouts. Additionally, a laptop agreement form must be completed each semester.
Once a laptop is due, a patron has four days to return it, after which the laptop is considered lost, and the patron will be charged replacement fees and overdue fines. Please refer to the Fines and Fees for our laptop replacement policy.
To check out a laptop, please visit the Help Desk with your Catawba ID.
Students have priority over other community members.
Additionally, we house eight computer stations in our information commons, and eight computers on the Mezzanine, and multiple study nooks on all floors.
Reserving a Library Space
Reserve a space in the library for a class period or for a campus group below:
Is there an item you need to borrow that we don't own? You can request material from other libraries in just a few easy steps!
To request material from other libraries, follow these easy steps:
Your course instructor can place items (such as books and DVDs) on reserve at the library Help Desk. These items are meant for a specific class's use throughout the semester, and are placed on a limited checkout period. Reserve items can be pulled from one of the library's collections, or from an instructor's personal collection. To checkout a reserve item, visit the library's Help Desk.