Please use the Library Instruction Request form to request library instruction. Library instruction can be held in the traditional face-to-face session during class time; it can be flipped so students complete a library module then either book research appointments or come to the library as a class for a follow-up research session using the skills from the module or it can be offered via a library instruction module. Library instruction is customized for the class and assignment. Professors should plan to attend the session with their class as librarians are not content area experts and cannot answer specific assignment questions that often arise during the research process.
Library modules can be created and embedded in Blackboard. There are a number of modules available via Niche Academy or the library can create a module specifically for your class and assignment. The modules do take time to create so we recommend making the request at least 2 weeks in advance. Modules can be deployed for remote instruction, a homework assignment or as part of a flipped learning approach.
The Digital Learning Lab will be hosting popups at each of the home football game tailgate events this Fall.