Welcome to our resource guide for Martin Luther King, Jr.
While we hope you enjoy the day off from school on Monday, January 15, 2024, we also hope you will take some time on this day honoring Dr. King to learn about his life and his work. Hopefully this guide will lead you to discover new information about Dr. King or reaffirm the value of his life's work.
This link to information about Dr. King is from the Credo Reference Database.
These are just a few of the many print books you will find at the Corriher-Black-Library related to Dr. King.
Here are just a few of the many ebooks about Dr. King that you can access from our Discovery Search catalog. You can also use the ebook databases links below to find more ebooks or search our catalog using the Discovery search box on the library homepage.
You can search the following databases for videos about Dr. King. There are many available in each of the highlighted databases below.
Use these database resources to search for information about Dr. King and his life. You can also find works written by Dr. King as well as works written about him and the Civil Rights Movement.